心血管超声 & 诊断性医学超声 Application Information



The Cardiovascular and 诊断性医学超声 programs 在博天堂官方 are competitive and require completion of secondary application materials. Applicants must complete the prerequisites AND all of the GVSU General Education courses (excluding Issue courses) prior to the start of the program. 学生 may apply to the program February 1 if they can demonstrate that the prerequisites and general education courses will be completed by the time the program starts in August. 没有等候名单.




入学 & 应用程序要求:

  • GVSU博天堂官方本科申请 (only required for students who are not currently a GVSU student).  学生必须 承认 to 大峡谷州立大学 prior to the program application deadline
  • 二级入学申请 (网页顶部的连结) 用于心血管超声检查 & 诊断性医学超声 
    • 计划要完全完成和完成 提交 this online application in one sitting as it cannot be saved to return to later.
  • 职业目标陈述 
    • (1 - 2页) 你为什么对这个职业感兴趣?  你的计划是什么??  What influenced your decision to choose this career field? (附于申请书)
  • 两个建议...please read all instructions on the recommendation form (link above) before sending it to your recommender. 
  • 简历- (附于申请书)
    • List ALL health care experiences in one specific section of your resume.
    • 请包括总时数, 天, 和访问, 以及医疗保健经历是否是自愿的, 薪酬和/或工作见习.
  • 成绩为C或2.以下必修课程成绩提高0分 (括号内的课程为GVSU等效课程)
    • Anatomy & 生理学我 & II (BMS 250 & 251或BMS 208 & 290 & 309)
    • 医学术语(AHS 100)
    • 大学代数(MTH 122)
    • 普通物理I (PHY 220)
    • 心理学入门(鸟叔101)
    • 社会问题(SOC 105) 
    • 应用统计学(sta215)
    • Introduction to Health Care Research (AHS 301 or BMS 301 or PSY 300)
  • 至少3.在过去的45个学分中平均绩点为0
  • 医疗保健经验...16 hours of paid or volunteer experience to include a 2-3 hour job shadow is highly recommended (up to 5 points deducted if not completed prior to application deadline)
  • 课程完成证明 form. (see link above; attach to application) 
  • 完成能力 所有必修课程, general education courses (except Issues) prior to the fall start of the program.  
  • 官方更新 的副本 所有非gvsu成绩单 need to be sent directly to the 入学s Office at:
    • 大峡谷州立大学, 博天堂官方办公室, 校园路1号- 150 STU, 艾伦代尔, MI 49401, 
    • 或电邮至: (电子邮件保护)
  • 对于那些申请者 目前未注册 在博天堂官方 或者没有上过GVSU的课程, you should meet with a CHP academic advisor as soon as possible to review your transfer course equivalencies and program eligibility.  去我们的 卫生防护中心学生服务办公室网页 or call our office at (616) 331-5900 to set up a prospective student advising appointment.

All program application materials must be 提交ted by 2月1日, 最好附在电子申请表上.  

If mailing materials is necessary, materials must be postmarked by 2月1日.

Call the CHP Student Services Office at (616) 331-5900 or email Michelle Johnson at (电子邮件保护)



  • Academic grade point average from prerequisite courses (40%)
  • Academic grade point average from previous two calendar years (10%)
  • Interview and Writing Assessment completed on-site at the College of Health Professions (30%)
  • 医疗保健经历 – minimum of 16 hours volunteer or paid experience required with a 2-3 hours job shadow highly recommended (5%)*
  • 建议(5%)
  • 其他领导力考虑因素(10%)
  • Physical Performance Requirements and Technical Standards  

毕业必须修完两门SWS课程. It is the responsibility of the student to select courses that will fulfill all writing requirements.

这个项目没有候补名单. Program class size limit is based on clinical availability. 

一旦进入CVS, DMS或RT程序, students are expected to achieve a grade of B- or higher in all major courses to continue in the program.


* 2023年应用周期的covid相关更新:

Q:  Do students need to complete the required ‘experience’ hours before they can apply?
A:  Healthcare experience hours count for up to 5% of and applicants admission score. So the more hours (16 minimum) completed by the application deadline the better the chance to earn the full 5% points.   

Q:  Will students lose points if they don’t have the hours?
A:  Healthcare experience hours count for up to 5% of an applicants' admission score. If the applicant does not complete healthcare experience hours, no points will be awarded thereby reducing their overall admission score.

Q:  Does the program recommend an alternative to the experience hours?
A:  Healthcare experience hours are part of the admission score and applicants will not earn any points in this category unless they have completed at least a portion of those hours. Job shadow options are not as easy to find post-Covid so in lieu of a job shadow the programs recommends applicants learn more about the profession from the national associate: http://www.ardms.org/ 或者观看这个SDMS视频 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 4 k6tf27z6wu&t=61s.


The 心血管超声 Program requires a minimum of 54 pre-professional general education and prerequisite course credits. 

The 诊断性医学超声 program requires a minimum of 62 general education and pre-requisite course credits. 


The College of Health Professions (CHP) Student Services Office (SSO) in collaboration with CHP faculty and staff provides academic advising, 博天堂官方, and other student services to future and current undergraduate and graduate students in support of their academic, professional and personal development on the campus and within the greater community.


Grand Valley offers an excellent education at a reasonable cost. See tuition, fees, and financial aid information below.

学生 should plan on additional cost for travel expenses to clinical placements which can be up to three hours from 大急流城. 
